viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Mice with multiple sclerosis-like condition walk again after human stem cell treatment

Mice severely disabled by a multiple sclerosis (MS) -- like condition could walk less than two weeks following treatment with human stem cells. The finding, which uncovers new avenues for treating MS, will be published online on May 15, 2014, in the journal Stem Cell Reports.
When scientists transplanted human stem cells into MS mice, they predicted the cells would be rejected, much like rejection of an organ transplant.
Expecting no benefit to the mice, they were surprised when the experiment yielded spectacular results.
"My postdoctoral fellow Dr. Lu Chen came to me and said, 'The mice are walking.' I didn't believe her," said co-senior author, Tom Lane, Ph.D., a professor of pathology at the University of Utah, who began the work at University of California, Irvine.
Within just 10 to 14 days, the mice regained motor skills. Six months later, they still showed no signs of slowing down.
This is a huge improvement in medicine, imagine doing this with people, how many people will have a sustainable life? Yet, the economical and Ethical issue is still manging there, the money access to the people, or what religion will say about it. This factor are one that may reduce, the advance of medicine. 
This article is quite interesting since shows how stem cell is still reaching a point where they can cure some diseases that in the past time it believed that they might be imposible to find a cure.

What connection can I make with my life and this article? I have seen this subject in biology and we have discussed about this topic. All their ethics, social, economical issue. And I think this connect with everyones life including myself in there of course. I personally believe that the ethicity has nothing to do with saving millons of life. 

Global context: This is a continuous development. Stem cells showed us that medicine is something that is beyond of our knowledge and this may be an excelent proof to the religious group that this can save million of lives.

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Interactions between humans and scavengers have been decisive in human evolution

April 29, 2014

An international team of researchers led by scientists at the University Miguel Hernández in Elche (Spain) has concluded that the interactions that human have kept for millennia with scavengers like vultures, hyenas and lions, have been crucial in the evolution and welfare of humankind. Furthermore, the results of the study note that the extinction of large carnivorous mammals threatens to wipe out the many services that they provide us. This finding has been published in the journal BioScienceand has numerous implications in the cognitive, ecological and cultural identity of modern man.

Again, science had discover something huge for the history of the world. This shows the dependence of human and scavengers in order to evolve and become the human that we are today. As people always says, sometimes we need to depend with something or someone in order to survive, and this is a great example of survivor.

Why am I interested with this article? Mainly because I'm an IB biology students and this stuff may be important to understand. Also I love history, and with this article, I can relate it with the evolution of human. Also it is kind of interesting where do we came from and how did we become the human that we are?

Any connection between this article and my life? Yes, as I said before, this article is related with every one of us (Humans of course). And human evolution may be one thing that I will learn in biology and this article will help me to understand it more deeply.

Areas of interaction? Relationships between People and the Natural WorldI believe this area of interaction fits in this article because somehow makes an assumptions with the natural world. I mean that Without scavengers, humans will not reach the point that we are today. This is a team work which we should somehow be grateful about it.



viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Father's age tied to higher rates of psychiatric, academic problems in kids

I think this is one of the most interesting articles that I've ever read in my entire life (I know, is an exaggeration). 

According to science news, advancing paternal age can lead to higher rates of psychiatric 
and academic problems in offspring than previously estimated. Compared to a children born to a 24-year-old father, children born to a 45-year-old father are 3.5 times more
likely to have autism, 13 times more likely to have ADHD, twice as likely to have psychotic
disorders and 25 times more likely to have bipolar disorder. 

Basically says that psychiatric and academic behaviors depends on your parents' ages.  For me this is shocking because this is what I most like to hear and to experiment: Human's behavior. So far I did know that most of psychological issues comes from how the parents 
raise their children, but I actually didn't know that also biological factor plays among in
this one (Really, I'm shocked).
This interest me a lot because, first I'm a teenager and I of course interact, mostly with people of my age. I have seen their behaviors I have talked with them (deep stuff, non of your business), and I realized that some have a lot of issues that maybe, it won't be solved. As a student of biology and wanna be a psychologist, makes me think: To what extent the age can affect the other generation's attitude? Again, as I always say, this is an enigma.

What connection with this article and my life? (Pff easy) What I experiment today, and what I want to do in the future. My mom conceived when she was 25 and my dad turned to be dad when he was 35, according to the study, that's normal, however I've seen friend which their dads have 70 (Yes, 70!). And their behavior is a problem (No offence). And when I become a psychologist, maybe I will face with something similar of this, and when that day happen, I will be more than ready.

I believe this is Identity. Because clearly shows what we are, what precisely can we do and what can't we do.

Want to read the article? Just go to

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Deaths attributed directly to climate change cast pall over penguins

January 29, 2014-Climate change is killing penguin chicks from the world's largest colony of Magellanic penguins, not just indirectly -- by depriving them of food, as has been repeatedly documented for these and other seabirds -- but directly as a result of drenching rainstorms and, at other times, heat, according to new findings from the University of Washington.

Basically, this article is warning that if we don't get any solution of reducing the CO2 emissions, we will kill more species such as penguin chicks. Food scarcity, climate change, and other factors makes a major impact and plays an important role in the global warming. Apparently, the penguin parents dies by hypothermia while they are protecting their eggs, however, since the climate changed, the temperature decreased in a significant way making an unresistant place for the penguins to live.

I got hooked with this article, specially because I'm part of the green team and we always wants to fix the damage that we have made to the environment. And by reading this article, makes me realize that the global warming has increased and therefore we should do something to stop it.

This article can make a connection between my life because, first at all, I heard the concept of global warming since I was little, Me and my generation probably have witnessed a serious change in the planet referring to the environment. Maybe, I will be the key, among with others of course, to restore what we have taken to the animals, their home. Can we do it? That's the question I will find out on the future.

This article has a global context of relashionship between human and natural world. If you think of it, we were the causes of destroying the natural world leading into deforestation, animal extinsion, etc. 
To read more, go to:

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Crows Are No Bird-Brains: Neurobiologists Investigate Neuronal Basis of Crows' Intelligence

Nov. 28, 2013 — Scientists have long suspected that corvids -- the family of birds including ravens, crows and magpies -- are highly intelligent. Now, Tübingen neurobiologists Lena Veit und Professor Andreas Nieder have demonstrated how the brains of crows produce intelligent behavior when the birds have to make strategic decisions.
Crows are no bird-brains. Behavioral biologists have even called them "feathered primates" because the birds make and use tools, are able to remember large numbers of feeding sites, and plan their social behavior according to what other members of their group do. This high level of intelligence might seem surprising because birds' brains are constructed in a fundamentally different way from those of mammals, including primates -- which are usually used to investigate these behaviours. 
We can see that corvids are much different than other types of birds. For centuries, scientist belived that those types of family are highly intelligent. And with the recent studies. We can appreciate that Crowds have a huge capacity to memorize things and to react quickly. Since in the econosystem, birds are tend to follow their instints and to follow what a specific living things is doing and use it in order to survive in its habitat. 
Why am I interested in this article? First thing, it is a neurobiological studies. One on my favorite subject of biology. I love how animals and its brains works in order to survive and how to interact.
What connection can I make with this article? As I said before, I love Neurobiology. I like to read animals and how brains works along with them in order to survive. I would like to study Neurobiology more and interact with animals brains. 

Global context: It is a Continous development. They will keep looking for solution and answer with all this mysteries. 


miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

New Species of Dolphin Found in Australian Waters

Oct. 29, 2013 — A species of humpback dolphin previously unknown to science is swimming in the waters off northern Australia, according to a team of researchers working for the Wildlife Conservation Society, the American Museum of Natural History, and numerous other groups that contributed to the study.

To determine the number of distinct species in the family of humpback dolphins (animals 
named for a peculiar hump just below the dorsal fin), the research team examined the 
evolutionary history of this family of marine mammals using both physical features and 
genetic data. While the Atlantic humpback dolphin is a recognized species, this work 
provides the best evidence to date to split the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin into three 
species, one of which is completely new to science.

This article tells that there's a new dolphin Species swimming in the waters of north Australia. Its name is still being unknown. Scientists assumes that it can be related with four dolphins species: the Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii), which occurs in the eastern Atlantic off West Africa; the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea), which ranges from the central to the western Indian Ocean; another species of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis), which inhabits the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans; and a fourth Sousa species found off northern Australia. This is an advance relating with Biology and the ecosystem itself. We clearly see that there's alot of secrets on the planet and we will spend a lot of time to solve it.

Why am I interested in this article? I am always a guy who believes that nothing is true or over. I always looks for alternatives and I always believes that there's something new. In addition, I love animals, As I said before, I wanted to be a marine biologist and it is a pleasure to make my articles that it is related with animals who lives in the water.

Is there any connection between this article and my life? Yes, and it is with what is my hobby (Studying how animals interacts with the nature). Also in IB biology class, we have ecosystem as an optional subject and I would like to Study it. 

Global context: This is a continuous development. World has its secrets and we will keep growing and discovering stuff as a human and as a living thing.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Do Black Holes Have 'Hair'? New Hypothesis Challenges 'Clean' Model

Sep. 30, 2013 — A black hole. A simple and clear concept, at least according to the hypothesis by Roy Kerr, who in 1963 proposed a "clean" black hole model, which is the current theoretical paradigm. From theory to reality things may be quite different. According to a new research carried out by a group of scientists that includes Thomas Sotiriou, a physicist of the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) of Trieste, black holes may be much "dirtier" than what Kerr believed.

According to the traditional model, black holes are defined by only two quantities: mass and angular momentum (a black hole rotation velocity). Once their progenitor has collapsed (a high mass star, for instance, that at the end of its life cycle implodes inwards) its memory is lost forever. All that is left is a quiescent black hole, with almost no distinctive features: all black holes, mass and angular momentum aside, look almost the same.
According to Sotiriou, things may not have occurred this way. "Black holes, according to our calculations, may have hair," explains Sotiriou, referring to a well-known statement by physicist John Wheeler, who claimed that "black holes have no hair." Wheeler meant that mass and angular momentum are all one needs to describe them. 

New studies and hypothesis had been discovered about black holes. A spacetime matters that faces the gravity by cosuming everthing, Has hair. What is the significanse of the black hole having 'hair'? It could means that the black hole could not grow but the hair could and is the reason of having a magnetic power by consuming everything that they see. 
They regret most of the scientist ideas that they believed that the black hole has no hair at all such as Stephen Hawking. 

Why it is important? I love astronomy, stars planets milkyway, etc. Also it is related of what I am doing. HL/SL Biology, and someday I will study all of this. Also it is good to know what is going on in the universe, and know how to interact with all of these. 

What is the connection between me and this article? Well Is something complicated. Everytime when I do a science article, I choose something if it is related to animals or to brain health. This time I tried to make something different, something that I don't really know, such as astronomy or the black hole.

Global context: It is a Continous development. They simply keep looking and serching for what the black hole consist. And as they proove that the black hole might have hair, more hypothesis will be shown by future scientist.